martes, 13 de enero de 2015

The Talk About Release (chapters 17-20)

 After Jonas stopped taking his pills he started seing the world diferent, also because of his new and old memories. One day he saw Asher playing with other kids (they where playing war). Because of Jonas knowing what does war really means he got really sad and got into a fight with Asher. Days later Jonas enter the Annex and he asked him about what happened to the previous receiver, Rosemary. Just after they finished talking about her they started talking about release and the giver showed the video of Jonas' father releasing a baby just because he was too small. Finally Jonas created a plan so he can escape the community so all the memories will be released and everyone will have them. 

"One of the children raised an imaginary rifle and made an attempt to destroy him with a firing noise. "Pssheeeew!" Then they where all silent, standing awkwardly, and the only sound was the sound of Jonas's shuddering breaths. he was struggling not to cry."This quote made me think of multiple things, one of them was one of our themes that is the importance of memories. I thought of that because memories give us Knowledge and with the memory of war we can know how to prevent it or how to react about it. It also made me think about other theme that is Pain and Pleasure. This relates mostly to pain because, with this memory, Jonas experienced physical and emotional pain. physical pain because he felt the hard work of the soldiers and emotional because he felt the loss of his partners.

In summary, I think that this where the most important events on the book and for Jonas's life. he has been struggling with his painful memories and now the giver shows him a horrible video involving his father. But finally Jonas realizes that the community wont change by itself in any was. So he and the giver created this plan so Jonas can escape the community so the memories can be released and everyone can experience real pain and pleasure.